OheneKay reporting live from the room of the EC.

This was the rundown of the UPSA SRC elections balloting.

The balloting was supposed to be openly done to all stakeholders but unfortunately it was being done indoors and stakeholders were not happy about that.


Some candidates raised complaints about the results(GPA) of some aspirants. According to them, some aspirants results got leaked and they do not meet the qualifications of the elections, so all they were saying was either those candidates drop or the elections does not come on.


Additional News

1. Faisal got angry as the SRC EC IMC Secretary called a candidate (IVAN) to have a word with him.

2. Some presidential candidates walked out of the election balloting because there was no fairness in what they are doing.

3. Presidential candidates were given 5mins to come back for the balloting room by the Dep. EC IMC.

4. EC received some anonymous letters from some reps of some presidential candidates. Anonymous because the Dep. EC said he had no idea of the person who brought the letter. The letter wasn’t opened till now. Maybe they will let the public know as soon as they open it.




Thank you🙏🏼



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Unknown said…
I like this

Please keep updating us on what's going on
You're actually doing a grrgr job

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