On 13th March United Nations Youth Association Ghana in collaboration with The Parliament of Ghana will inaugurate the Youth Parliament at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Accra.

The organization represents the youth wing of the United Nations Association-Ghana. One unique thing about UNYA-GH is that, it has Youth Members of Parliament in all the 275 constituencies across Ghana, giving a true representation of the youth all over Ghana.

The establishment of United Nations Youth Association, Ghana (UNYA-GH), is to enhance the participation of Ghanaian youth in the decision-making process at all levels; while increasing their influence on national development and international cooperation. The essence of establishing the United Nations Youth Association, Ghana Parliament is to produce a new generation of high-grade leaders to make positive impact in Ghana and beyond.

One major objective of United Nations Youth Association, Ghana Parliament is to offer Ghanaian youth the requisite leadership, diplomatic and practical training that would enhance their worth on governance and national development. In that regard, United Nations Youth Association, Ghana Parliament, a Model of Ghana’s parliament, with the endorsement of the National Parliament and United Nations, was constituted later last year .

The inauguration of United Nations Youth Association, Ghana Parliament is meant to highlight the essence of the Model Parliament and also to encourage the youth and the general populace to patronize its activities. Proposed activities for the inauguration ceremony include a swearing of Speaker of Parliament, Clerks and MPs among other officials. There will also be a Meet-and-Greet session with the National MPs to share experiences and ideas with the youth MPs. Furthermore, there will be social events to commemorate the occasion. All these activities are expected to have a positive impact on the youth.

Also a UPSA student was appointed clerk to the Parliament.

Mark Ofosu Asirifi a level 200 public Relations student currently holding positions as the Communication Studies assistant organiser and the 2nd deputy clerk to the UPSA Parliament.

Ohene Kay Reporting


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