In promoting the spirit and letter of accountability and transparency and in accordance with ARTICLE 29(14) a of the SRC Constitution which states; “THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SHALL CONVENE GENERAL STUDENT MEETING AT LEAST TWICE IN A SEMESTER. THE FIRST OF WHICH SHALL BE HELD WITHIN THREE WEEKS AFTER REOPENING”, the civic education club-UPSA urges the executive council of UPSA SRC lead by H.E Peter MwinZumah to as a matter of urgency in fulfilling the constitutional provision in ARTICLE 29(14)a convene a general student body to render account of their stewardship so far.
The convening of the general student body has become more urgent giving in reference the wanton misappropriation and expense made without the necessary supporting documents as contained in the independent auditor’s report.
The club has taken notice of the fact that this provision ARTICLE 29(14) of the SRC Constitution was breach during the first semester of their administration and it is on the back of this that we urge the executive council to do the needful by complying with this constitutional provision. THE PEOPLE DESERVE BETTER UNDER THE PEOPLE AGENDA AND ADMINISTRATION.
Thank you.


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